Информация о вакансии
от 09 July 2017
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О вакансии:
Dragon Glory – new exciting browser MMORPG. Locations of Dragon Glory is a beautiful fantasy world, professionally drown. Gamers will become a part of the captivating story.
You can become a le
Dragon Glory – new exciting browser MMORPG. Locations of Dragon Glory is a beautiful fantasy world, professionally drown. Gamers will become a part of the captivating story.
You can become a legendary knight, choosing any hero of the game at the very beginning. Then you will open game-world full of adventures. Gather a team of brave heroes, fight monsters and dragons, which can be tamed after a while of game-play.
Fight system is turn-based, so you need to attack in your turn. Use unique skills of heroes, think over each hit and wipe the epic bosses out. The level of heroes is rising, what allows to optimize their skills and open new abilities.
Play Dragon Glory
Dragon Glory – new exciting browser MMORPG. Locations of Dragon Glory is a beautiful fantasy world, professionally drown. Gamers will become a part of the captivating story.
You can become a legendary knight, choosing any hero of the game at the very beginning. Then you will open game-world full of adventures. Gather a team of brave heroes, fight monsters and dragons, which can be tamed after a while of game-play.
Fight system is turn-based, so you need to attack in your turn. Use unique skills of heroes, think over each hit and wipe the epic bosses out. The level of heroes is rising, what allows to optimize their skills and open new abilities.
Play Dragon Glory
Условия работы:
Dragon Glory – new exciting browser MMORPG. Locations of Dragon Glory is a beautiful fantasy world, professionally drown. Gamers will become a part of the captivating story.
You can become a legendary knight, choosing any hero of the game at the very beginning. Then you will open game-world full of adventures. Gather a team of brave heroes, fight monsters and dragons, which can be tamed after a while of game-play.
Fight system is turn-based, so you need to attack in your turn. Use unique skills of heroes, think over each hit and wipe the epic bosses out. The level of heroes is rising, what allows to optimize their skills and open new abilities.
Play Dragon Glory
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