Информация о вакансии
от 30 July 2017
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О вакансии:
ROBLOX - is the largest user-generated online gaming platform, with over 15 million games created by users, it is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens.
ROBLOX is powered by a growing community
ROBLOX - is the largest user-generated online gaming platform, with over 15 million games created by users, it is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens.
ROBLOX is powered by a growing community of over 300,000 creators producing an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences. These experiences range from 3D multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures where friends can take on new personas imagining what it would be like to be a dinosaur, a miner in a quarry or an astronaut on a space exploration.
ROBLOX - is the largest user-generated online gaming platform, with over 15 million games created by users, it is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens.
ROBLOX is powered by a growing community of over 300,000 creators producing an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences. These experiences range from 3D multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures where friends can take on new personas imagining what it would be like to be a dinosaur, a miner in a quarry or an astronaut on a space exploration.
Условия работы:
ROBLOX - is the largest user-generated online gaming platform, with over 15 million games created by users, it is the #1 gaming site for kids and teens.
ROBLOX is powered by a growing community of over 300,000 creators producing an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences. These experiences range from 3D multiplayer games and competitions, to interactive adventures where friends can take on new personas imagining what it would be like to be a dinosaur, a miner in a quarry or an astronaut on a space exploration.
Jobset.ru - новый ресурс по поиску работы и персонала в российском
сегменте сети Интернет. Он был сделан в результате тесного
взаимодействия с кадровыми агентствами Центрального федерального округа РФ.
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