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ID#60925 от 19 September 2017
Зарплата: обсуждается
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Работодатель Timothypar
Работа в городе Белгород
Направление Индустрия отдыха и развлечений
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О вакансии:
Roller Door Servicing & Maintenance in Adelaide
As with many mechanical devices, it is recommended that your garage door be serviced every 1-2 years depending on how frequently the door is
Roller Door Servicing & Maintenance in Adelaide
As with many mechanical devices, it is recommended that your garage door be serviced every 1-2 years depending on how frequently the door is used, environmental conditions etc. This helps prevent breakdowns and of course avoids inconvenience.

Over time, springs lose tension, dirt and grime builds up in the guides, buildings move and motor parts wear. We’ll take the time to correctly service your door, as opposed to just fixing the problem. We gladly offer our customers a call back option where we will contact you when your door is next due for its service.

A couple of things you can do to extend the life of your door include:
Keep the tracks clean at all times
Lubricate the tracks – this should NEVER be done with grease or oil! Only Silicon sprayed should be used – spray a little on the tracks and then wipe through with a clean rag.
So... should you door be due (or overdue!) for some tender loving care, give our friendly team a call at Fast Fix Roller Doors and we will have you booked in within days and your door back up and running the way it should be!

Call us today to arrange an appointment: (08) 8182 5787 doors
Roller Door Servicing & Maintenance in Adelaide
As with many mechanical devices, it is recommended that your garage door be serviced every 1-2 years depending on how frequently the door is used, environmental conditions etc. This helps prevent breakdowns and of course avoids inconvenience.

Over time, springs lose tension, dirt and grime builds up in the guides, buildings move and motor parts wear. We’ll take the time to correctly service your door, as opposed to just fixing the problem. We gladly offer our customers a call back option where we will contact you when your door is next due for its service.

A couple of things you can do to extend the life of your door include:
Keep the tracks clean at all times
Lubricate the tracks – this should NEVER be done with grease or oil! Only Silicon sprayed should be used – spray a little on the tracks and then wipe through with a clean rag.
So... should you door be due (or overdue!) for some tender loving care, give our friendly team a call at Fast Fix Roller Doors and we will have you booked in within days and your door back up and running the way it should be!

Call us today to arrange an appointment: (08) 8182 5787 doors
Условия работы:
Roller Door Servicing & Maintenance in Adelaide
As with many mechanical devices, it is recommended that your garage door be serviced every 1-2 years depending on how frequently the door is used, environmental conditions etc. This helps prevent breakdowns and of course avoids inconvenience.

Over time, springs lose tension, dirt and grime builds up in the guides, buildings move and motor parts wear. We’ll take the time to correctly service your door, as opposed to just fixing the problem. We gladly offer our customers a call back option where we will contact you when your door is next due for its service.

A couple of things you can do to extend the life of your door include:
Keep the tracks clean at all times
Lubricate the tracks – this should NEVER be done with grease or oil! Only Silicon sprayed should be used – spray a little on the tracks and then wipe through with a clean rag.
So... should you door be due (or overdue!) for some tender loving care, give our friendly team a call at Fast Fix Roller Doors and we will have you booked in within days and your door back up and running the way it should be!

Call us today to arrange an appointment: (08) 8182 5787 doors
Контактное лицо: Timothypar
Телефон: 83799942661
ICQ: 336626545
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